The Father's Love
God's Love
God’s LOVE for you in incomprehensible!Jesus LOVES you so much which is why He suffered and died on the cross for all of us because we have all sinned as the Scriptures teach.He yearns for you to know Him right now.He is eager to show you how much He LOVES and CARES for you now.He knows and understands you even more than you do.He is utterly dependable!Believe me.I’m not kidding.I didn’t know this until I met Him many years ago.This isn’t a joke.This is for real.JESUS is real.He is the prince of peace.Consequently,His peace knows no bounds.I’ll like you to just tell JESUS to come into your heart now and be your LORD and SAVIOUR.He will do it immediately.You will be shocked to see how good,kind,and loving He is. Your life will be instantly transformed.You will NEVER EVER be the same.Things will NEVER be the same because 2 Corinthians 5:17 says “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun”. Life in Christ is the sweetest experience you will ever have.Nothing in this world is like it.It’s an adventure.It’s fun! God bless you.